Thinking of selling your home to an investor in Lakewood, CO instead of going the traditional
Unfortunately, professional buyers sometimes get a bad rap — here are 4 common myths to
watch out for…
You Won’t Get a Fair Offer — A lot of sellers are worried that they won’t get a fair price for their
home by selling to an investor. And while every industry has scam artists, our company will
always give you a fair and honest cash offer based on current market conditions.
It’s a Scam — Since we can close on your house in as little as 2 weeks and we can pay cash for
your home, it’s easy to think that our business model is a scam. But it isn’t. We are just real
estate investors that buy and sell homes. There’s nothing illegal or “scammy” about that.
There Are Hidden Fees — If a professional buyer tries to charge you hidden fees, find a
different buyer. Our business will never surprise you with hidden fees or upcharges.
Closing Will Take Longer Than Promised — If we say that it’s going to take us under 2 weeks to
close on your home… we mean it. And if we think it’s going to take longer than that, then we’ll
be open and honest about that. But typically, we CAN close on your home within just a couple of
Have any more questions about our home-buying process or how we operate? Give us a call
and we’ll answer your questions as best we can! (720) 702-3969