You’re thinking of selling your home 🏠 to a professional home buyer — someone who will buy
your house as-is for cash and close within just a few weeks…
But how do you know you can TRUST the person or company you choose?
Here are 4 red flags to watch out for…
- They Don’t Follow Through — If the professional buyer says they’re going to call you
tomorrow… and they don’t call, or they say they’re going to show up at a certain time… and
they don’t show up, that’s a scary indicator of things to come. A good professional buyer will do
what they say they’re going to do, even with the little things.
- They Don’t Have REAL Reviews — How do you know if the reviews for a professional buyer’s
business are real and trustworthy? Well, someone who’s running an honest business won’t
make everyone happy. They should have some positive AND some negative reviews (obviously
leaning toward more positive than negative). If you can’t find any negative reviews, then
something has probably been tampered with.
- They Don’t Use a Title Company or Attorney — If the professional buyer is promising to close
in less time than is even possible for title work to be done (“We close in 48 hours!”) or they do
their own title work in-house, ask to speak with some people who’ve worked with the company
in the past to make sure they aren’t trying to pull a fast one. We do not recommend purchasing
or selling via a Quit Claim Deed.
- They Are Pressuring You To Sell NOW — A trustworthy professional homebuyer will never
pressure you to sell your house right away. It shouldn’t make any difference to their business
WHEN you decide to sell, so be careful of buyers who say “This offer only stands for 24 hours!”
or “I can only buy one house” or “I have other people waiting.”
If you have any more questions about how you can sell your house as-is for cash and close
within just a few weeks, give us a call and we’re happy to help you out — (720) 702-3969